Европейский центральный банк выявил четыре основные платежные системы, которые попадают под новое регулирование ЕЦБ

21 августа 2014 Европейский центральный банк выявил четыре основные платежные системы ( TARGET 2, EURO 1, ШАГ  и  CORE FR )), которые попадают под новое регулирование ЕЦБ в соответствии с требованиями по наблюдению за системно значимыми платежными системами ( SIPS ), которые вступили в силу 12 августа 2014 года.

21 August 2014 — ECB identifies systemically important payments systems

  • Four systems were identified:
  • Goal is to ensure efficient management of risks and sound governance arrangements

The European Central Bank (ECB) has identified four key payment systems that are now under the new ECB Regulation on oversight requirements for systemically important payment systems (SIPS), which entered into force on 12 August 2014. The regulation covers large-value and retail payment systems in the euro area operated by both central banks and private entities, and aims at ensuring efficient management of legal, credit, liquidity, operational, general business, custody, investment and other risks as well as sound governance arrangements, namely with a view towards promoting the smooth operation of safe and efficient payment systems in the euro area.

The four systems identified today are: TARGET2, operated by the Eurosystem; EURO1 and STEP2-T, operated by EBA CLEARING; and CORE(FR), operated by STET, a joint initiative of six major French banks. They were identified according to the combination of at least two of four main criteria, i.e. the value of payments settled, market share, cross-border relevance and provision of services to other infrastructures. The Eurosystem will review this list annually on the basis of updated statistical data.

This is the first time that the ECB makes use of its regulatory powers in the field of payment systems oversight. The SIPS Regulation is stricter than previous oversight standards and provides for sanctions and corrective measures for system operators in case of non-adherence. Furthermore, it implements and is consistent with the “Principles for financial market infrastructures” (PFMIs), introduced in April 2012 by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) of the Bank for International Settlements and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). “With this regulation, Europe is consolidating international practice for the oversight of SIPS into EU law, as with past efforts for other financial market infrastructures, such as the European Market Infrastructure Regulation for the supervision of central counterparties and trade repositories, and the ongoing regulatory initiative for central securities depositories” says Benoît Cœuré, member of the ECB’s Executive Board and Chairman of the CPSS.

Competent authorities, i.e. Eurosystem central banks with primary oversight responsibilities for one or more payment systems, are expected to regularly assess compliance of these systems with the SIPS Regulation.

For consistency with international practice, and to take account of the increased integration of retail payment systems in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), the Eurosystem has also undertaken a comprehensive review of the oversight standards for euro retail payment systems that are not SIPS initially adopted in June 2003. As the result of this review, the ECB has published today the “Revised Oversight Framework for Retail Payment Systems”.

For media queries, please call Andreas Adriano on +49 69 1344 8035.


Переименован Комитет по платежным и расчетным системам Банка международных расчетов

1-го сентября 2014 года Комитет по платежным и расчетным системам (the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS)) Банка международных расчетов переименован в Комитет по платежам и инфраструктурам рынка (the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI)).  Несмотря на данное изменение, деятельность Комитета не поменяла свою основную направленность по регулированию платежей, клиринга и платежной инфраструктуры на глобальном уровне. 

CPSS — New charter and renamed as Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures

1 September 2014

At their meeting in June 2014, the central bank Governors of the Global Economy Meeting (GEM) endorsed a new mandate and charter for the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS). The GEM also decided to rename the CPSS as the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI).

These changes, which become effective today, align the name and mandate of the Committee more closely with its actual activities. They do not affect the way the Committee operates, its membership and responsibilities.

The CPMI’s primary task is to promote the safety and efficiency of payment, clearing, settlement and related arrangements, thereby supporting financial stability and the wider economy. Comprising senior officials from 25 central banks, the Committee monitors and analyses developments in these arrangements, both within and across jurisdictions. It also serves as a forum for central bank cooperation in related oversight, policy and operational matters, including the provision of central bank services. The CPMI is a global standard setter that aims at strengthening regulation, policy and practices in this area worldwide.

Commenting on the new charter, the CPMI’s Chair Benoît Cœuré said, «The Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures will continue to be instrumental in deepening our understanding of payment, clearing and settlement arrangements, promoting their safety and efficiency and ensuring a level playing field globally.» See below for full statement by the Chair.


1. The Global Economy Meeting (GEM) is the supervisory body of the CPMI.

2. The payment, settlement and clearing arrangements covered by the CPMI’s mandate include financial market infrastructures and other payment, clearing, settlement and reporting arrangements and activities, both within and across jurisdictions (encompassing systems and activities involving large-value and retail payment, foreign exchange settlement, securities and derivatives clearing and settlement, multilateral netting or collateral management) as well as retail payment instruments or schemes. This also covers the services provided by central banks and others to these arrangements.

3.The central banks represented on the CPMI are the Reserve Bank of Australia, National Bank of Belgium, Central Bank of Brazil, Bank of Canada, People’s Bank of China, European Central Bank, Bank of France, Deutsche Bundesbank, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Italy, Bank of Japan, Bank of Korea, Bank of Mexico, Netherlands Bank, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Sveriges Riksbank, Swiss National Bank, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, South African Reserve Bank, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Bank of England, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

More information about the CPMI, and all its publications, can be found on the BIS website.

Statement by CPMI Chair Benoit Cœuré

Today, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems is changing its name to Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures. However, it will not change its central role in shaping the payments, clearing and settlement infrastructure at a global level.

The history of the Committee dates back to the late 1970s, when in the wake of the Bankhaus Herstatt failure in 1974, central banks started cooperation in a number of fields, including payment and settlement systems. The current Committee was established by the G10 Governors as a permanent body in 1990, to carry on work previously done by various ad hoc G10 groups.

While its basic role has not changed over the years, the Committee has gradually expanded its field of interest, in parallel with the growing complexity and interdependencies of financial markets. It has strengthened its role as a global standard setter for the different types of financial market infrastructures and continued its policy and analytical work on an ever wider range of payment, clearing and settlement issues, including reports on oversight, retail payment systems and instruments, foreign exchange settlement risk and the interdependencies of payment and settlement systems.

Jointly with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the Committee has issued the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures, new and more demanding international standards that are designed to ensure that the infrastructure supporting global financial markets is more robust and thus well placed to withstand financial shocks, and it is now monitoring their implementation.

Today, after two rounds of enlargement in 1997-98 and 2009, the Committee includes representatives from 25 central banks and is recognised as a global standard-setting body. It continues to be hosted by the BIS in Basel and reports to the Global Economy Meeting (GEM) Governors.

The new name, charter and mandate will serve to reflect the Committee’s full range of responsibilities and tasks and to provide a clear structure for the conduct of its activities.

It is difficult to predict what lies ahead, but it will be essential that the Committee remains alert to any future developments that may affect the safety and efficiency of the global financial market infrastructure. It would be highly damaging to the global economy if markets were to cease to function effectively because of concerns about the risks of post-trade infrastructure. Hence the importance of regulation and oversight of payments, clearing and settlement arrangements taking the most rigorous approach possible to risk reduction and management.

It is also important that regulation is implemented in a consistent way across jurisdictions and across markets, given growing interdependencies. Close coordination with other standard setting bodies will be central to achieving these aims.

I am confident that in the years to come, the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructure will continue to be instrumental in deepening our understanding of payment, clearing and settlement arrangements, promoting their safety and efficiency and ensuring a level playing field globally.


Возможности платежного сервиса LevelUp (практический пример использования мобильного телефона как платежного инструмента для наиболее быстрого и безопасного проведения расчетов в торговой точке)

LevelUp — платежный сервис


Более 1,5 миллионов потребителей финансовых услуг уже проводят свои платежи при помощи сервиса LevelUp в 14 000 торговых точек на территории Бостона, США. Платежи с использованием мобильного телефона проходят быстрее, являются более безопасными и дешевыми в обслуживании, а также обеспечивают высокое качество обслуживания клиентов.


LevelUp является полностью открытой платформой, то есть Вы не ограничены использованием LevelUp в предложенном варианте и даже ваши клиенты не обязаны использовать приложение LevelUp. Вы можете усовершенствовать, расширить и внедрить новое и креативное направление использования данного сервиса.




Гарантия отсутствия возвратных платежей

Уникальная модель безопасности LevelUp подразумевает «окончательное» одобрение операции. Центры обработки операций по кредитным картам имеют право пересмотреть платежи в течение срока от 60 до 90 дней с момента проведения платежа, что означает значительные комиссионные сборы за возврат платежа и минимальную возможность оспорить решение. Часто неустойка может достигать 0,5% от общей суммы (включая сумму платежа и комиссионные сборы). В LevelUp выступают гарантом клиента, то есть, когда операция одобрена и становится безотзывной и окончательной.


Поддержка PayPal — лучшее, что могло произойти с Bitcoin


«Braintree — это новый проект, приобретенный компанией PayPal в прошлом году, с помощью которого для разработчиков программного обеспечения создаются инструменты для простой интеграции платежных систем в приложения и веб- сайты. Вместо того чтобы проводить платежи за пределами сайта или вне приложения, как это происходит в случае с традиционным потоком платежей PayPal, все происходит в приложении и именно таким образом, как хочет отдельный разработчик. Поддерживая биткоин — все более популярную валюту, в основе которой — программное обеспечение с открытым кодом, работающее на компьютерах по всему миру посредством сети — Braintree позволяет разработчикам эффективно перестроить свою платформу и добавить биткоины в способы оплаты, которые они принимают.

Сооснователь и исполнительный директор Coinbase [1] Брайан Армстронг говорит, что интеграция Braintree — это последний признак того, что биткоин «взрослеет» и превращается в настоящую валюту для покупок и продаж, а не только для рискованного инвестирования. «Мы хотим создать новую эффективную платежную сеть, которая будет работать по всему миру», — говорит он, — «а не просто золото 2.0».

Согласно данным компаний, платформа Coinbase насчитывает лишь 1,6 миллиона пользователей по сравнению с 150 миллионами пользователей PayPal. Однако добавление поддержки биткоина сейчас означает, что компания получает возможность начать искать способ работы с новой платежной системой, пока она еще новая.

Глубокая интеграция такого рода дает проекту Braintree преимущества перед конкурентами, если биткоин идет к тому, чтобы стать основной валютой. Кроме того, она позволяет самой платформе Braintree стать агентом этого широкого внедрения, и это только поможет биткоину избавиться от остатков своей неважной репутации».


[1] Цель Coinbase — сделать работу с Bitcoin более простой и похожей на привычные средства платежей. Coinbase имеет приятный и простой интерфейс и пока что довольно ограниченную функциональность. Начать принимать и отправлять платежи можно через несколько секунд после регистрации. Переводы между кошельками бесплатны, ввод и вывод средств стоит 0,5%. На сервисе уже действует многофакторная аутентификация (одноразовые пароли, высылаемые на телефон).

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